
The Gensler US Workplace Survey represents the input from more than 5,000 U.S. office workers across a variety of industries and demographics. New workplace data from the Gensler Research Institute explores the impact of workplace mobility on employee performance and experience, with a focus on the growing number of people without assigned desks at work – and whether that’s working for them. The data provides new insight into what makes an effective workplace, and how workplace design and strategy can respond to new forms of mobility that are impacting the workplace today.

Workplace effectiveness and experience have declined


Our data suggests that many forms of mobility realigned with greater effectiveness. But overall, the decline in performance suggests that increased mobility in aggregate has not yet improved employee effectiveness or experience.

What makes an optimal workplace?


Our data shows mostly open environments, those that supplement open seating with on-demand private space, tend to perform best. Mostly open environments support more choice, provide a wide variety of spaces, and are correlated with greater innovation and effectiveness overall.


Is unassigned seating working?



The reviews are mixed:  many workers in unassigned seating want their seat back, while many are happy with the scenario. Our data suggests unassigned seating has a negative impact on performance and experience, even those who like it. 

How do you fix unassigned seating?

Out-of-office mobility is also a key strategy to improve workplace effectiveness and experience.



People still spend the majority of their working time in the office. While broad measures of autonomy and mobility are unequivocally associated with higher performance. Overall, mobile workers tend to have higher effectiveness (WPI) and experience (EXI) scores. These workers are also the most engaged.

In an era of choice, the office is still people’s preferred place to work.



We found that the workers with the best performing and best designed workspaces prefer working from their company’s office location above all other places. Employees in high-performing workplaces rate their company in a more positive light, are more empowered to experiment with new ways of working, are more aware of the impact of their work and what their colleagues are working on. They’re also more engaged, more satisfied with their jobs, and more likely to recommend their company as a place to work.

To create an optimal workplace, understand what kind of workplace is right for your organization.



Create a workplace strategy with the granularity and flexibility to support different worker needs. Be careful with unassigned seating—making it work requires extra attention, and often a wider variety of alternative work spaces.